Thursday, May 22, 2008

Christian Dior debuts $5,000 mobile phone - Dior cellphone aims at luxury market

Christian Dior has been rumored to be working on a mobile phone for some time, and following on recent speculation the Christian Dior-branded handset could make its debut soon, the Dior phone has gone live. With a $5,000 price tag, we can't imagine anyone outside the comfortable walls of high society will be grabbing a Dior phone anytime soon.

But, for those of you living the Gossip Girl lifestyle, Dior will happily hand over a cellphone to complement your undoubtedly stylish threads. Made by ModeLabs, the $5,000 Dior cellphone sports a touchscreen display and camera. But, more interestingly Dior has included something called "My Dior" with their new handset. The "My Dior" is essentially a USB flash drive-sized mini-cellphone/remote that is meant to be clipped to the outside of a purse. The idea is to make answering phone calls simple and hassle-free using "My Dior," with the main handset standing by to handle more complicated phone-related duties - like SMS text messaging and taking pictures.

Hey, if $5,000 doesn't faze your petty cash fund, you might want to hit up Dior and grab your own Dior phone. You know your self-esteem will appreciate it…


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