In another one of those shockingly-rare (honest) “Technical Markus decides to impart knowledge whether people want it or not” moments, I’ve decided to talk a bit about a mobile phone I had a chance to have a muck about with this week, that I really have fallen in love with.
I’m talking about the 3 Skypephone, the very first mobile phone to feature Skype access, straight out the box. I’ll admit, it came out a while back, and I’ve been a bit slack in getting this post done, but I only had my first chance to play about with one last night. As it happens, I was in for a bit of a surprise.
Because I liked it. I really liked it! I was expecting something gimmicky and stupid. I was wrong.
You see, it’s not just a “mobile phone that happens to have Skype”, it’s a proper, full on Skype Phone, where it’s very reason for existence is the Skype messenger built into it. That little program is functionally identical to the one on your PC, letting you make calls over the internet connection, rather than through the normal phone connection. And as anyone knows, VoIP (Voice over IP, internet calls, but VoIP’s funnier, as it sounds like the noise a frog makes) calls are cheaper than normal phone calls. In fact, with the Skypephone, you get FREE calls to other Skype users (and yes, that doesn’t just mean SkypePHONE users, but anyone who uses it on their PC as well!)
So, how long was I on the phone for, last night, using Skype…?
Let’s just say… quite a long while!
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